Friday, June 19, 2009

It's A Pre-op Day !!

So have my pre-op today at 12:00 , oh what fun! I am excited and nervous and anxious. So much happening this weekend. My parents coming in, BBQ, father's day and then Surgery ! and how do i feel?? Rushed !! I have so much to do, get my stuff in order and get my house in order, pay my bills, and so on.. Mike said since we be in San diego we should go eat Boxty, it is the best Ireland food I have ever had and its healthy, well some what, it is fish !! So maybe we do that, not sure. I am excited though, this is the begining of a whole new life for me.

1 comment:

  1. Jess, I am so excited and nervous for will be a huge adjustment but you will do great! The Lord will give you strength when you are weak. We will be praying for your surgery on Monday and for a quick recovery!
