Saturday, July 31, 2010

Continued Grace

Today  a friend of mine got married and as I talked with her I realized and was reminded that my God can changed any situation around. He is still the God of miracles as he was in Moses day. HE is still the same God that parted the Red sea. I know sometimes we think that our situations will never change or that the one person you are praying for will never ever see the light. At that time in our lives we have a hard time seeing the sun at the end of the storm. But know this.. When God brings the rain, know there will always be a rainbow at the end. Today I saw that Rainbow as she walked down the isle. I still don't believe all the stories I heard... wink... wink.. but.. I have to believe them in order to See the Miracle on the other side.

I was reminded that Gods Grace is never ending , and that He still does miracles. I know my miracle is coming. I need to stand firm on it and wait. Until then I refuse to let the enemy whisper in my ear, I refuse to give in to his ugly lies. I know my God is a God that full-fills his promises and He does not lie :)

So  my friends, today be encouraged and rely on HIM for all things. Blessings

Monday, July 26, 2010

Back on the Wagon

Why did it feel like my three mile run took forever to complete!!! As I got up this morning, I thought ... I could skip this run and run later. Then I thought, no.. this is how you gained all the weight in the first place, you have to run or do something. I have been soooooo busy this past two weeks that my priorities have been rearranged. Eating out and not running. Yes I am still making good choices, but eating out is not a habit we want to develop again. I ran today anyways and it always feels good after. I feel like I completed something. Not to mention I get to worship as I run.. I know not many of you can work out to " Glorify" or to a slow worship tune, but I CAN!! I love it. It is my time with God, my time to watch everything around me. My time to enjoy his creation and pray and thank Him that I am able to run. So yes I am back on the wagon, I just fell off for two weeks :) I didn't hit my head though!!

Thank you Lord again for your strength, I can not thank you or express again how thankful I am for your mercy, and grace. You truly are a God of second chances and I have experienced that on numerous occasions. Be encouraged my friends:)

Friday, July 23, 2010

VBS 2010

We just ended a huge Vacation Bible School at our church. We had 165 kids on one night. That was amazing!! Worship was awesome and so were the volunteers. I am so privileged to be part of a church that has a heart of serving. It seems like our whole congregation came together and just helped out. God is doing so much. I am blessed beyond words. The tiredness is all worth it in the end. It is so weird how although my body is physically tired, my spirit wants more. I am sooo excited to see how many children come back and visit Friendstown. If we only reached 1 child, it is all worth it.

Thank you Lord for your strength , you are my hands and feet and I am grateful :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Busy Bee

Wow it has been a while. Lots of stuff going on...
First off... I am still doing good!! I am still losing weight but at a very very slow pace. I have reached 111lbs down! I still can't believe how fast time has gone by. These past couple of weeks, months have been crazy. God is doing lots of things in our lives and I am amazed by His glory every step of the way. God is bringing new things our way and we are excited. One of the things is Children's Ministry. We have been passed the torch of Children Ministry. You see I have been praying for a baby and a miracle , and God sent us 100 babies thru children's church!! We are excited. I look was back at this year and we have so much to be grateful for. Yes my heart still longs to be a mother, and I know God knows that and I know my miracle is coming in some way , shape or form. I just need to remember to rely on Him and remember what my promise is. I know now for sure when I miscarried that God was in control and he is still controlling the situation. Lots of new things coming up in the future and Only He controls that.
As for exercise, I am doing my hardest to stay up on it. We have been so busy with VBS these past weeks that I have been slacking and I need to remember to watch what I eat!! I am still staying in control and I am still maintaining what goes in my mouth. That is the key, I control what goes in my mouth! This week I will be sneaking in a run or two! I really do miss it!!

Remember My friends to stay encouraged. My God has big plans for us, we just need to sit still and wait on HIM.. Blessings