Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Down to the Nitty Gritty Last days

So here I am up at 2 am cause I can't sleep as usual. I am so tired at this point of my pregnancy. It has been so long since I have written in here and I don't want to start off with complaining....

So here I am at 40 weeks pregnant! Wow what an amazing journey this has been. God has certainly taken Mike and I from one extreme to the next. Just yesterday I was driving in the car and I heard a song in my CD player that reminded me so much of when I miscarried last year. It brought  back so much heart ache but at the same time I was able to rejoice cause God carried me thru that. It is amazing how God can instantly turn things around. My heart does rejoice cause I know our miracle is almost here.  Since at the end I am so anxious to see and meet our little guy. I know he will be perfect no matter what he looks like. 

As of today I stand at 40 pounds gained! At first this was really hard for me and I do struggle with that number being so large, however,  I am healthy and Josiah is healthy and growing and that is all that matters. My blood pressure is still excellant and has not been effected at all by this pregnancy. I was a little worried about it at first cause of my history.  Once Josiah gets here it is back to the grind! I mean it, I have a plan in waiting and can't wait to get this weight off. I know it will take some time, but I am very eager to excersise again and to eat right. As of right now all I want is bad stuff. I don't know if it is pregnancy hormones, but my body can tolerate so much more sweets and food which scares me. Although again once he gets here I have a plan. I need to have a plan cause if I don't then I plan to fail. I am just praying and relying on God that He is with me and knows exactly what I need in my life.

I  am on the way to a new journey. A new journey of mother hood and a new eating journey. I know what God has been my strength in all this and I need to remember to keep Him as my strength. I can not and will never be able to do this on my own.  Lord you are my strength and I thank you for what you have brought me to and thru. Please help me to remember to look to you !