Monday, July 6, 2009

My progresssion

Well it has been a rough one . I am getting stronger day by day, but each day is a new day. The weekend was very hard for me. I did not know how emotional I would be, I mean it is just food right? We got to Steves late so we would miss the food, however I was not feeling well cause protein only last so long in me and then I feel my self literally getting weaker. I was okay until everyone was eating and serving soda and then there was an icecream cake ! OMGosh I had to go cause I was going to lose it. I was not hungry, but coming out of being a compulsive eater to this is tough, I mean it like I am going through withdrawls. It is weird though cause alot of the food I think I want, if I taste it, it is not the same. So I am in a weird spot. Since it is so hot I am trying extra hard to stay hydrated.
Yesterday I went to church and I had lots of questions for Josh. He is 6 months post op and I wanted to see how he did the first weeks. He said just try to get in as muchprotein as possible. The items I am able to eat right now and tolerate are Eggs, beans ( but they give me gas), yogurt, and protien shake and string cheese. After church we went to Target to get some stuff, I have been dying for some other flavor other water , so I picked up Fruit Punch crystal light , WOW !! I also picked up Yogurt smoothie low fat, it is less sugar than my yogurt I was having and it is more protein, and it is the greatest thing that has happened to me since I came home ! It works miracles ! I love it so much, today I mixed that with my protein powder, a small piece of banana. We shall see !!

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