Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Day by Day

Today I woke up feeling the best I have felt in a long time ! Besides the cotton mouth I feel really good and feel like I am getting stronger. I was up very early this morning and am ready to conquer the day. I actually had a dream about bread last night..LOL . I know I am pathetic. I dreamt that I had a bite and it sat in my throat. It was weird. Anyways, so this morning I started researching online for Bariatric Recipes . There are not many out there, in fact there is one chef that I found and he is an actual Bariatric Patient and cooks like one. I instantly got excited ! I feel like there is more life now. I also went over the list of foods I can have soon and I am very excited ! Today I made decaffeinated ice tea with splenda, and OHHH it is the best !! I feel some what normal !

1 comment:

  1. we're so proud of you tia! keep being strong, and drink the protein!
