Thursday, May 13, 2010

Over coming Food

How does one over come food you ask ?? Easy, you simply don't eat it! Here is how it works... We as the person in charge of our lives, and our mouths, simply do not eat it! I know it seems so hard but this is one lesson I am trying to continually teach my self. I am reminded that I buy the food, and that I am in control of what goes in and what goes out. If I buy cookies, I will eat cookies. If I buy fruit, I will eat fruit. Mind over matter... it really does work. Some how we have to find a way to trick our minds into thinking that we only need to eat to live... not live to eat!!

This is a constant battle for me. Sure I had bariatric surgery, sure I can only eat so much at one time, BUT and it is a BIG ONE... I still struggle with food! I still want to eat that extra piece of food but I cant cause I physically can't and I will get sick and I don't want to be uncomfortable, and it is not worth it to me.. ... That is the bottom line. I have worked so hard to go from a size 24 to a size 10 and I dont want to go back. So yes I settle for apple instead of cake, and... I am a happy camper..

Thanks to God only, Lord please remind me of self control. Thank you for letting me be able to have self control and the reminder that you are my strength , my help, and my guide. Praise to you only :)


  1. Hi jessica
    My name is stephanie i am cesars daughter he works with your husband. Your husband had told my dad to look up your blog because for as long as i can remember i have always had weight issues. Just recently we as a family have come to an agreement to maybe the lapband. My question to you is how did you decide that you wanted to do this? I guess you could say i need guidance.

  2. Hi Stephanie,
    I was trying to email you but I can't figure out how to, so if you want to email me at instead that is better.
    Anyways, I actually had alot of time to think. My insurance which is Kaiser make patients go thru classes to educate them about all the procedures. I chose to have full gastric bypass because I was so out of control with eating and I needed to have restrictions. With the lapband and the sleeve I would still be able to eat "sugar foods " and junk that would not make me sick if I had a band. I am happy with my choice, it is not a easy road, but it forced me to have control. As a bari patient Food is always a battle. Surgery does not get rid of mental eating, it only restricts you. Yes there are times that I wished I did not have surgery so I could eat that extra piece of bread, but then I look back at how much I have lost and the results. The other thing is EXCERSISE... I can not express how important it is for weight loss. I credit excersise to weight loss to. Sure I have a tool, but because I excersise almost daily it helps the skin as well as the weight come off. As soon as I was cleared to excersise , I did just that. I started with a bike, then worked to hikes, now I am running!! It amazes me.. i am a completely different person. The thing you need to decide is why you are doing it? Are you doing it for you? or for your family? Health issues? This is something that is drastically going to change your life and it is something that you need alot of support on. It is a great thing that your family is behind you that is awesome. But you have to decide why you want to do this. It is a journey that can be the best thing you do in your life, it is all about how you use the tool that is given to you. The surgery is in no way the easy way out, we still must work at the weight coming off, but we feel better cause we actually see results. Then once we get incontrol of our new habits then life is so much easier. I no longer am eating for fun, I am eating to survive . There are so many things I wish I could write on here to you. You are young and if this opportunity has come up , I would jump on it. For you and your health. You will have so much energy you wont know what to do with :) I am up for any questions that you have, any at all. I am not shy. If you want to meet we can meet too, I have time. I can walk you thru what my meals are and what they consist of. I also recommend you find a support group in your area to go and hear what others are saying too. That really helps. I hope to hear from you soon . I am excited for you , this is a whole new journey and it will be a good one :) email me
