Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I am soooooo amazed at how confident I feel. Let me explain.... I have always been a confident woman. I was always comfortable with who I was. But, and this is a big But... I have so much more confidence now, that it excites me. I feel that my new life has given me a different approach on life it self. I feel like I can conquer anything!! When I went into my first interview today, I was so determined to land that job, I think I blew the lady away!! She offered me the job on the spot!! I had another interview following that and this is the one I really wanted. Because of my confidence, my second interview went even better !! I did land the job, and so I will be working from home three days a week. I am excited about my new adventure. Life is so much different now. I have a whole new set of eyes , well and body!! My outlook is this: Life is too short to sit around and do nothing literally. For the past 12 years I sat inside cause I was too tired to go out and walk or jump or dance, I was too tired to take a stroll with my husband, or too tired to get out of bed and just enjoy the creation that God has placed in front of me. I am truly truly blessed that God allowed me to take this path and this journey to begin a "new" life! I am even more blessed that I have a supportive husband, friends and family that support me and this new life . I wish I could explain the joy that I have inside of me, the joy that God has placed in my life . The love and take that I have for life now is soooo much different. So I leave you with this....
Live , walk, dance, jump, sing, jump out of a plane..... but don't miss out of life cause it passes you right by. Then 12 years later you wake up and think... How did I get here???

Thank you Lord for this joy and new take on life that I have. Thank you for your strength and continued mercy and grace. I am nothing with out you , absolutely nothing.

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